Saturday 15 August 2015

ELIMINATION SHOW #1.............

***** THE GUY CODE: JENNIFER AND DEBORAH booted out of the Academy*****

In a surprise twist, the TWO GHANAIANS , RICHIE and KUMI, got saved by the Faculty and the rest of the Contestants in the Academy. At this evening's Elimination Show, the five contestants who were up for probation had their fates decided in a most remarkable way.

Tejiri, whose performance of Ellie Goulding's "Love Me Like You Do" was what got her into probation, delivered a performance that saw the crowd cheering, but it was Ultimately the fans and viewers at home that saved her, as she had the highest number of votes of all the contestants, and that saw her going back into the Academy. For at least another week. 

Kumi: Her performance of Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" last week was said to be so uninspiring that she was placed on probation, But the Ghanaian songstress rose like a proverbial phoenix from the ashes and stunned everyone with her rendition of the song this week. The Faculty, in a unanimous decision, voted overwhelmingly to save her from going home, and thus did Ghana's only female flag-bearer gain respite from the Elimination looming over their heads. At least, for now. 

Richie: The guitar strumming guy delivered a (self-admitted) lackluster performance, and that placed him on the shortlist for an early departure from the Academy. His performance of the song this week was "much improved", as the Judges said, but he was still on the Eviction shortlist, until the Boys in the house, in a show of solidarity, voted him, to a man, as the candidate of their choice to be saved from probation. Talk about the guy code! 

Jennifer: The beautiful undergraduate, who deferred her admission to come and sing her way into the hearts and homes of millions of viewers the world over, gave a performance of Taylor Swift's "Never Getting Back Together" that failed to move the Judges last week, prompting them to place her on probation. Comments overheard somewhere said that the Academy Baby (by virtue of her age) had never dated, and as such, never broken up with anyone, making it a tiny bit more difficult to connect with the predominant sentiment of the song. Her performance this week was better delivered (Judges said), and that made her (in her words) Hopeful. Apparently her hopes were dashed when the Academy Judges opted to save someone other than her, bringing her stay in the Academy crashing to an end. So she goes back, to school, and possibly a life that will never be the same after her glimpse into fame and glory at the Academy. 

Deborah: the buxom bespectacled beauty bellowed (B is like that) her way into our consciousness first at the Lagos auditions where she clinched three YESes from the Judges before getting the invite to the Academy, where she warmed her way into our hearts with her melodious voice and on screen persona. The stage actress may have found the screen a bit too challenging as she floundered through Etta James' "At Last" in the last Probation show, putting her on the fast track for an early departure from the Academy. Her performance this week was not so bad, putting the Judges in the difficult position of having to chose  which of the contestants to save. Ultimately, the Judges decided, and one more hopeful's journey to glory and Project Fame Superstardom has been cut short. 

The net result: Jennifer and Deborah have been booted out of the Academy, and will join the long list of those who failed to make it. 

The two Ghanaians, Richie and Kumi, have been saved, ironically, by Nigerians, and the show goes on, for another week at least. Who will be the next to go home, and who will advance one step closer to fame and glory? 

Stay tuned to this space for news, as it drops. 

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